La pulizia dei pavimenti nei luoghi destinati a eventi di grande scala

Places intended for large events

Any large event is inevitably characterised by a rapid and simultaneous influx of large numbers of people into one place.  

This applies to all types of event, including concerts, sports events, company meetings, trade fairs, competitive examinations and major religious celebrations. The buildings chosen to host these events have to be big in order to hold a large number people at the same time. Usually, they are also designed for maximum versatility, so as to be able to host different events quickly one after the other. 

Among the challenges faced by organisers, and by facility managers in particular, are that of ensuring proper pre-event cleaning to minimise the spread of germs and bacteria and to welcome people into a well-maintained and attractive environment and, once the event is over, that of getting the building ready for other uses as quickly as possible. 
When it comes to floor cleaning in particular, the most common requirement is for reliable, user-friendly machines capable of rapidly cleaning different kinds of floor.  

Industrial sweepers remove coarse dry dirt and dust, while scrubber-dryers provide more thorough sanitisation and remove even the most stubborn stains. These two types of machines are therefore ideal for cleaning large structures in the short time available between setting up for an event and its actual start, for responding quickly to specific special needs during the event itself, and for rapid but thorough cleaning once the event is over. Another reason for using professional floor cleaning machines in arenas, sports complexes and large exhibition centres is because of their ability to quickly make walkways safe by removing obstacles that people might trip over or slip on, and by drying floors quickly after washing and sanitising them. 

Eureka professional sweepers for large events: 

  • To remove dust and coarse debris like left-over food, flyers and litter, cans and bottle tops... the Eureka range of sweepers offers a wide range of quick cleaning solutions. They can completely remove large amounts of dirt from narrow passages like corridors and toilets and from large spaces like car parks and access roads. 

Eureka professional scrubber-dryers for special event facility management: 

  • When thorough sanitisation is needed, Eureka professional scrubber-dryers can effectively clean and dry large areas of floor in a single pass. These machines are designed for ease of use by any operator and minimum consumption. 

Eureka escalator cleaners for modern multi-storey structures: 

  • Finally, for use in venues with escalators, Eureka has designed the EC52 and ERC45 escalator cleaning machines. This revolutionary combination restores the lustre of escalators of any make and model – treads and risers! – with minimal cleaning times and costs. 


La pulizia dei pavimenti nei luoghi destinati ai grandi eventi

Stefano Santuz


Kioene Arena’s General Manager

(Sub. eng.) Cleaning floors in places intended for large events

"We take the greatest care over the general cleanliness of our facility and especially the cleanliness of the floors. We have to clean different types of floor – for competitive examinations and for volleyball and basketball games, for example. And cleaning has to be both thorough and, above all, quick. 
We have been working with our partner Eureka for many years. And we are very, very happy indeed to have a company of this size, and from our own area too, as part of our team."   

The most used Eureka machines in Kioene Arena are: