What they say about us

Discover directly from entrepreneurs and users why choosing Eureka sweepers and scrubber-dryers is the ideal choice for effective cleaning management.

We interviewed some of Eureka’s satisfied customers.

Here’s what companies from various industries think about us and our floor cleaning machines.



Beltrame Graziano - CEO of Synergy Group. Civil and industrial cleaning and outsourcing services for companies.

"Over the years we have also noticed that, in addition to the robustness of the materials Eureka machines are built with, they also have a very powerful suction. This gives us the confidence to carry out our work and give customer satisfaction so that they can confirm orders to us for years to come…”

Beltrame Graziano


CEO of Synergy Group

(Sub. eng.) Civil and industrial cleaning and outsourcing services for companies 

"Over the years we have also noticed that, in addition to the robustness of the materials Eureka machines are built with, they also have a very powerful suction. This gives us the confidence to carry out our work and give customer satisfaction so that they can confirm orders to us for years to come…”

Eureka cleaning machine:


Mi.Ti. Logistica

Mondin Mirco


Plant and logistics manager MiTi S.p.A

(Sub. eng.) Logistics and large-scale distribution

"With Eureka's scrubber-dryer, and with the ECOsystem technology, I have had significant advantages, especially economic ones.  Right now, every day I save twice as much as before. Practically I used to have two men working, now with one man only I can achieve an outstanding performance".

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:

Negozi di articoli per la casa, il giardino e gli animali domestici - Eureka Floor Cleaning Stories

Abbiamo chiesto ai nostri clienti di raccontare la loro esperienza con le macchine per la pulizia dei pavimenti Eureka. Oggi ce ne parla Walter Pavin, titolare di GreenVillage, negozio di 10.000m2 specializzato in articoli per il giardino, la casa e la cura degli animali domestici.

Walter Pavin


Owner of GreenVillage - Garden, Home and Pet Center

(Sub. eng.) Home, Garden and Pet Center

"Being “Green”, we have chosen ECOsystem machines, a recycling system which is very important to preserve water, a precious resource. With these machines we can wash surfaces of over 5,000 m2 with just one full tank, which is a truly negligible amount".

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:
Imoco Volley

Pierpaolo Zanasi


Team manager Imoco Volley

(Sub. eng.) Professional volleyball team

"Why Eureka and Imoco?  Because they are both important concerns. As we mentioned earlier, Imoco has recently strengthened its leadership, not just in Italy or Europe, but worldwide. With Eureka, we have established an important relationship allowing us to meet our needs in terms of keeping our courts clean".

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:

Metalfer - recupero materiali

Pietro Bresaola


A.D. Metalfer

(Sub. eng.) Collection and sorting centers for recycled materials

"We are a company that deals with recycling and trading of ferrous and other non-ferrous metal scrap (…) My experience with the BULL200 is a positive one: I highly recommend it to my colleagues and to my competitors as it is the right machine for our work and meets our cleaning needs…"

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:
NAI Prodotti Ittici

Paola Campagnaro


NAI Prodotti Ittici worker

(Sub. eng.) Fish and seafood processing and selling

"To keep our floors clean and hygienic we use an excellent machine from Eureka. We chose this machine because of its exceptional characteristics. It’s made entirely from stainless steel. This means it doesn’t corrode. So there’s no rust and, more importantly, it lasts for ages".

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:

Antonio Carraro trattori

Gabriele Marzotto


Facility manager Antonio Carraro S.p.A.

(Sub. eng.) Cleaning in the Metalworking and Manufacturing Industry

"To meet our quality and safety requirements, we purchased two Eureka machines, one scrubber-dryer and one sweeper. We chose Eureka because their machines are robust and above all reliable. They are easy for everybody to operate too. We also chose Eureka products with the environment in mind, because ECOsystem saves cleaning solution and dirty water disposal costs."

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:
Il magazzino edile ACES pulisce i pavimenti con spazzatrici Eureka - Floor Cleaning Stories

Anche il magazzino edile ACES Srl ha scelto macchine spazzatrici e lavasciuga pavimenti Eureka. Dalla vendita di strumenti e materiali per l’edilizia, all’assistenza e al noleggio; ACES si occupa a tutto tondo di attrezzature e macchine per cantieri edili, stradali e per il verde e da sempre si propone come partner per chi lavora in cantiere. Presso la propria sede l’azienda dispone di uno showroom interno, nonché di un ampio magazzino, sia al coperto che all’aperto, per lo stoccaggio di attrezzi e macchinari da lavoro. Le continue operazioni di carico e scarico di merce, vengono accompagnate da quotidiane operazioni di pulizia, per poter accogliere clienti e fornitori in ambienti sicuri e ordinati. La disponibilità di macchine per la pulizia efficienti, resistenti ed affidabili è quindi per ACES una vera esigenza, per ottenere il massimo del risultato, con tempi e costi contenuti. Per questo l’azienda ha scelto Eureka come partner, e a raccontare la propria soddisfazione è il responsabile del magazzino ACES, Massimo Bernardi. "Abbiamo scelto Eureka in confronto ai vari competitor perché con la lavasciuga abbiamo una asciugatura molto rapida e una facilità di pulizia. Mentre per quando passiamo con le spazzatrici non rimane nessun residuo di polvere per terra dopo la prima passata; quindi, sono veramente molto efficaci come macchinari."

Massimo Bernardi


Warehouse Manager for ACES Srl

(Sub. eng.) The ACES builders merchant cleans its floors with Eureka sweepers and scrubber-dryers

"We chose Eureka over the competition because their scrubber-dryers guarantee rapid drying and extremely easy cleaning. And when you clean the floor with a Eureka sweeper, all traces of dust are removed in the first pass. Eureka machines are therefore extremely effective".

Most commonly used Eureka cleaning machine:

La pulizia dei pavimenti in una fabbrica di cioccolato - Eureka Floor Cleaning Stories

Del Conte Cioccolato è specializzata dal 1982 nella produzione e modellazione di cioccolato e creme. Per ottemperare ai regolamenti imposti dalle certificazioni BRC, IFS, Rainforest, oltre che per mantenere salubri e puliti laboratori, magazzini e chocolate shop del nuovo stabilimento aziendale, Del Conte si affida a due lavasciuga pavimenti Eureka.

Enrico Cattapan


CEO, Del Conte

(Sub. eng.) Production and modelling of chocolate and creams

"Damp is the number one enemy of chocolate. This is the main reason we chose Eureka scrubber-dryers. They give us perfect cleanliness and, above all, instant drying, which is essential in our environment."

Eureka cleaning machines used in the company's production facilities: 
La pulizia dei pavimenti nelle carpenterie e nell'industria metallurgica - Floor Cleaning Stories

Formest Srl realizza carenature industriali per macchine utensili, macchine automatiche e impianti. Il loro motto “La forma è funzionalità” esprime l’attenzione aziendale per il design, il gusto per il dettaglio e quindi anche per la pulizia. Per la cura dei pavimenti nell’area carpenteria, nei magazzini, nel piazzale esterno e negli uffici, Formest si affida a spazzatrici e lavasciuga pavimenti Eureka.

Lara Capuzzo, Matteo Manfrotto


Account Manager, Planning Manager Formest Srl

(Sub. eng.) Floor cleaning in metalworking and metallurgical industries

The motto “Form is functionality” clearly conveys the great attention the company pays to design, style, details and cleaning too. In this video-testimonial, Lara Capuzzo and Matteo Manfrotto, Formest’s Account Manager and Planning Manager respectively, explain how crucial clean floors are for ISO certification purposes and for ensuring a pleasant, safe environment in the workplace.

Eureka cleaning machines used in the company's production facilities:

La pulizia dei pavimenti nei negozi di abbigliamento - Floor Cleaning Stories

Per la pulizia degli store e degli spazi comuni, come parcheggi, hall e scale mobili, Smart Moda ha scelto lavasciuga pavimenti professionali e spazzatrici Eureka. “Collaboriamo da molti anni con Eureka. – racconta Anna, dipendente della catena – Siamo molto soddisfatti della pulizia dei loro macchinari, grazie ai quali riusciamo a mantenere i nostri ambienti puliti e in sicurezza, migliorando così la nostra immagine aziendale.”

Anna Chirila


Employee of Smart S.p.A. – Fashion Stores: Clothing and Household goods 

(Sub. eng.) Floor cleaning in clothing stores

“We’ve been working with Eureka for many years and we’re delighted with the cleanliness we get from their machines. Thanks to Eureka we can keep our stores safe and clean and improve our image in the process.” 

The most used Eureka cleaning machines:  
La pulizia dei pavimenti nei luoghi destinati ai grandi eventi

Stefano Santuz


Kioene Arena’s General Manager

(Sub. eng.) Cleaning floors in places intended for large events

"We take the greatest care over the general cleanliness of our facility and especially the cleanliness of the floors. We have to clean different types of floor – for competitive examinations and for volleyball and basketball games, for example. And cleaning has to be both thorough and, above all, quick. 
We have been working with our partner Eureka for many years. And we are very, very happy indeed to have a company of this size, and from our own area too, as part of our team."   

The most used Eureka machines in Kioene Arena are:

Quali macchine usano le migliori imprese di pulizia? - Eureka Floor Cleaning Stories

Pagetti Paolo and Elena de Luca


Cleaning Companies in Lombardy

(Sub. eng.) What machines do the best cleaning companies use?

Paolo, Ge.Se.P. Cleaning Company – “…We have a very, very large contract, with corridors and kilometers of flooring. When using the machines, you might occasionally brush against walls in corners, railings... I’ve noticed that Eureka is very durable and very easy to use.”

Elena, Dema Global Service – “…Our clients are mainly companies, including their production departments. We choose Eureka because we believe it's essential to provide our clients with the highest standard of cleanliness. We chose Eureka because, through this company, we have been able to guarantee our customers quality and reliability.”

Most Used Eureka Cleaning Machines:

More stories of experiences with Eureka

Coca-Cola adds one more “bubbly” touch to its facilities in Israel

Moran cleaning technologies, Eureka’s exclusive distributor in Israel, is one of the leading cleaning equipment suppliers of the country. Established in 1978 Moran Ltd  provides a wide range of professional, high quality solutions to the Industrial and institutional markets.

Aiming to improve cleaning productivity, Coca-Cola was exploring several solutions tailored for the cleaning of their logistic centres and warehouses and, after testing Eureka’s largest ride-on sweeper, the Magnum, they realized that it is the best sweeper for the application.

As of April 2016 in fact, Coca-Cola Israel is enjoying the Eureka cleaning experience with a new fleet of Magnum ride-on sweepers for their 10 locations.

Coca Cola
Cameron Interstate chooses the Eureka Magnum

Established in 1975, Cameron Interstate is a leading Australian transport company that specialises in freight services in the industrial and retail sectors.

The company was in the market to purchase an industrial sweeper and after evaluating the options, they decided the Magnum was the best machine to meet their specific needs.

The Magnum is a highly versatile high-dump sweeper, available in battery, LPG-petrol hybrid or diesel versions and is therefore suitable for indoor and outdoor environments. Completely driven by hydraulics it offers powerful traction, impressive maneuverability and incredible productivity.  

Magnum per pulizia piazzale
Picobello, a machine for life

The SAMSE Group provides a wide range of products to the construction industry, with a distribution network in France made up of over 340 shops.   

They purchased the first Picobello back in 2010. Their feedback, after all these years, is a testament to the quality and long life span of Eureka’s manual vacuum sweeper.

There are several characteristics of the Picobello 151 that contribute to its durability: completely mechanical vacuum filtration system (electronic-free), unique cartridge filter in polyester and easy to wash, robust steel frame, anti-shock wheels and hopperlong-life brushes, resistant to wear and tear.

Picobello Eureka
E110-R has saved millions of litres of water, and cut down labour time cleaning by 90%

Ernest Henry Mining is a very large mine based in the township of Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia. They are part of the Glencore Group which is a significant player in Australia’s mining industry.

They opted to buy the Eureka E110-R floor scrubber as it had a high rate of productivity and was very easy to use. They elected to purchase the scrubber/sweeper model so that they could use the machine to clean the whole workshop.

Using the E110-R has saved them millions of litres of water, cut down labour time cleaning by 90% and made the workshop floor clean and shiny. Model E110-R sweeps and scrubs the floor at the same time. It is easy to use and maintain and the floor is left duty and clean in one pass.

E110-R macchina per le pulizie dei pavimenti spazzante e lavante