
Floors in metalworking and engineering companies: why you need to keep them clean.

In the metalworking and engineering sector, cleaning is a must for reasons of safety, order and image.

In typical metalworking activities – cutting, bending, welding and the like – swarf and metallic dust are inevitably produced as part of the process.

Similarly, spillages of small – and sometimes large – quantities of mineral oil, grease and maybe glycol are quite common, especially on assembly lines and in machine testing areas.

Engineering companies therefore need to organise regular general cleaning routines, using floor sweepers and scrubber-dryers that are well suited to the environment, and also need to prepare for rapid and effective cleaning interventions to deal with any emergencies that occur.

An oil spillage on the floor not only becomes more difficult to remove if left to soak in, but it also represents a real risk for staff and visitors, who could slip on the oil.

What machines should you use to clean floors in the engineering industry?

The mechanical engineering sector has always been one of Eureka’s main markets, and we pay a great deal of attention to satisfying its needs. Our extensive experience in this area and continuous contact with customers allow our R&D department to deliver solutions that are increasingly efficient, durable and easy to use and manage.

Today, we can therefore say that our entire range of sweepers and scrubber-dryers is well suited to use in all areas of the metalworking industry, being perfectly able to ensure not just thorough cleaning but immediately walkable floors.

How do you sweep floors in machining departments quickly?

An industrial sweeper is the best solution for effectively removing and collecting dirt from these kinds of floor. The size of the machine (in terms of cleaning path and productivity) should be chosen to suit the spaces involved (total square footage and any narrow passages present). No less important, however, is the average amount and type of dirt to be collected. 

The distinctive features of Eureka make them ideal for use in factory environments.

All our machines are:

  • Extremely robust, for long-lasting performance over the years. Available in a reinforced Total Steel version for operations in harsh environments. 
  • Surprisingly effective at removing dust and debris of all weights and sizes thanks to Eureka’s unique MultiBristle brushes, which have rows of mixed bristles and optimised ground pressure.
  • Specially designed not to raise dust into the air, thanks to the multiple qualities of our MultiPocket filter and numerous other devices, like our dust decanter and side brush dust control systems.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.

Which machines should you use to remove oil stains and scale from floors?

The best choice for washing industrial floors is a scrubber-dryer.  Eureka offers models in all sizes to meet the needs of all kinds of workplace. 

These machines are specially designed for cleaning industrial environments and guarantee excellent results even in the presence of oil spillages or encrusted dirt of various kinds.
They are also ideal for other situations typically found in manufacturing facilities, such as removing the black track marks left on floors by forklifts.

Some of the characteristics that ensure the excellent performance of Eureka scrubber-dryers in the metalworking and engineering sector are:

  • Motors of sufficient power to ensure optimum brush friction on the floor. 
  • A “double pressure” function on certain models.
  • A complete range of brushes and abrasive pads for all kinds of floor.
  • A high water flow rate, essential for removing dirt effectively. 
  • The DoseMatic system, for adjusting the concentration of cleaning solution, adding more detergent when required but not wasting it at other times.
  • The OnePass drying system for the optimal aspiration of water and dirt from the floor. Perfect first-pass drying guarantees faster cleaning, immediately walkable floors and maximum safety.

Floor Cleaning Stories

Many manufacturing companies around the world have chosen Eureka cleaning machines and expressed total satisfaction.

Pulizia dei pavimenti nell'industria metalmeccanica

Gabriele Marzotto, facility manager dell’azienda, racconta così la sua positiva esperienza con Eureka: “Un punto critico per noi, per eseguire le pulizie, sono le linee di montaggio e, soprattutto, nel reparto di collaudo, in cui possiamo avere spargimento di glicole, oli minerali e varie sostanze. Spesso ci troviamo chiamate urgenti per risolvere problemi di spargimenti di oli derivanti dai collaudi di trattori, che ovviamente sono un rischio per la sicurezza dei lavoratori. Per soddisfare i requisiti di qualità e sicurezza abbiamo acquistato due macchine Eureka, una lavasciuga e una spazzatrice. Abbiamo scelto macchine Eureka perché presentano caratteristiche di robustezza e soprattutto di affidabilità, oltre che per la praticità di utilizzo da parte di tutti gli operatori. In ottica green abbiamo scelto prodotti Eureka perché ha il processo di ECOsystem® che ci fa risparmiare soluzione di lavaggio e spese per lo smaltimento dell’acqua sporca.”

Gabriele Marzotto


Facility manager Antonio Carraro S.p.A.

(Sub. eng.) Cleaning in the Metalworking and Manufacturing Industry

"Our assembly lines and even more so our testing department are critical points for cleaning operations, because they often have to deal with spillages of glycol, mineral oils and various other substances.

We often receive urgent calls to clean up oil spillage resulting from tractor testing, as oil on the floor is obviously a hazard for workers.

To meet our quality and safety requirements, we purchased two Eureka machines, one scrubber-dryer and one sweeper. We chose Eureka because their machines are robust and above all reliable. They are easy for everybody to operate too. We also chose Eureka products with the environment in mind, because Ecosystem saves cleaning solution and dirty water disposal costs.”

La pulizia dei pavimenti nelle carpenterie e nell'industria metallurgica - Floor Cleaning Stories

Formest Srl realizza carenature industriali per macchine utensili, macchine automatiche e impianti. Il loro motto “La forma è funzionalità” esprime l’attenzione aziendale per il design, il gusto per il dettaglio e quindi anche per la pulizia. Per la cura dei pavimenti nell’area carpenteria, nei magazzini, nel piazzale esterno e negli uffici, Formest si affida a spazzatrici e lavasciuga pavimenti Eureka.

Lara Capuzzo, Matteo Manfrotto


Account Manager, Planning Manager

(Sub. eng.) Floor cleaning in metalworking and metallurgical industries

The motto “Form is functionality” clearly conveys the great attention the company pays to design, style, details and cleaning too. In this video-testimonial, Lara Capuzzo and Matteo Manfrotto, Formest’s Account Manager and Planning Manager respectively, explain how crucial clean floors are for ISO certification purposes and for ensuring a pleasant, safe environment in the workplace.