Li-Ion Energy+
Discover all the advantages of floor cleaning machines powered by lithium-ion batteries.
Discover all the advantages of floor cleaning machines powered by lithium-ion batteries.
The main advantages of lithium-ion batteries are:
- Lifetime: over 2,000 charging cycles. Up to 5 times more than an AGM or gel battery.
- No partial charging problems: the battery does not need to be completely discharged before it can be charged, even partially.
- Lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from ‘memory effect’, which causes the performance of other battery types to deteriorate over time. The performance of lithium-ion batteries remains constant.
- Rapid charging times: a special, optional column charger
- Extended charge duration: lithium-ion batteries have a self-discharge rate (loss of charge when unused) of less than 1% a month. With other battery types, self-discharge can reach up to 20%.
- No maintenance required: lithium-ion batteries do not need topping up with fluids or any other kind of maintenance for their entire lifetime. This allows them to be manufactured in hermetically insulated, dirt-proof and waterproof casings.
- Less weight for the same performance: this makes machines with lithium-ion batteries easier to transport.
Lithium-ion batteries are extremely practical and maintenance-free and have a far longer life than any other type of battery on today’s market.
For these reasons, Eureka’s E36 scrubber-dryer with lithium-ion batteries is the ideal choice for anybody who needs a machine that is always ready to use despite pauses in operation, frequent movements from one place to another, intermittent use and/or short wait time between uses.